Incentives & rebates

Discover how federal, state & utility programs can reduce the cost of EV ownership

EV charging station incentives & rebates

In addition to broad-scale electric vehicle incentives, states and utilities provide incentive programs and rebates specifically for purchasing and installing EV charging equipment across the country. Find out what incentives for EV chargers are available in your area at the dropdown below.


Federal: Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit - Commercial

Up to 30% or $100,000

The internal Revenue Service provides businesses as well as entitites including state, local, tribal and other qualifying tax-exempt organizations who purchase and install EV charging infrastructure a 30C tax credit that is the lesser of 6% (or 30% if certain prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements are met) of the charging infrastructure's cost or $100,000. The credit is available for charging infrastructure placed in service between January 1, 2023 and December 31. 2032 in qualifying low-income or non-urban census tracts. Commercial and government entities can help determine if their installation is in a qualified census tract using the Argonne National Laboratory's 30C Tax Credit Eligibility Locator.


Federal: Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit - Residential

Up to 30% or $1,000

The Internal Revenue Service provides consumers who purchase and install qualified EV charging infrastructure a 30C tax credit that is the lesser of 30% of the charger's cost or $1,000. To qualify, the EV charger must be installed in a low-income or non-urban census tract. Consumers can help determine if their installation is in a qualified census tract using the Argonne National Laboratory's 30C Tax Credit Eligibility Locator. The credit is available for charging infrastructure placed in service between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2032


State: Alabama Department of Transportation (ADOT) NEVI Plan – Commercial

Alabama will receive $79.8 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors


Utilities: Alabama Power Home Charger Rebate - Residential

Alabama Power offers residential customers a $500 rebate toward the purchase and installation of a home EV charger. The installed charger must be installed at a single family home and on its own circuit.


Utilities: Tennessee Valley Authority Fast Charger Program - Commercial

Up to $150,000 per charger

Tennessee Valley Authority offers commercial customers interested in deploying publically accessible DC fast chargers can receive grants equalling 80% of project costs or no more than $150,000 per fast charger. Basic requirements include DC fast charging hardware that can charge two CCS Combo compatible EVs at 50 kW concurrently.


State: Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Alaska will receive $50 million over 5 years to build out EV charging infrastructure along major cooridors, applications for RFA's will be requested March 1, 2023


Utilities: Chugach Electric Association (CEA) - Residential

Up to $200

CEA provides eligible residential customers a $200 bill credit per residential EV charging station, up to two per household, for sharing information on EVs, EV charging stations, and average miles driven per year.


Utilities: Chugach Electric Association (CEA) - Commercial

Up to $10,000 per location

CEA offers rebates to commercial customers for the purchase and installation of Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations.


Utilities: Alaska Power & Telephone Amp-Up - Government

Up to $1,000

Local and tribal governments within Alaska Power & Telephone service territory that install public charging stations for EVs are eligible for up to $1,000


State: Arizona Department of Transporation (ADOT) NEVI Planning - Commercial

Arizona will receive $76.5 million over 5 years to build out EV charging infrastructure along major cooridors applications


Utilities: Arizona Salt River Project (SRP) - Residential

Up to $300

SRP offers residential customers a $250 rebate for the purchase of a qualifying Level 2 EV charging station. A $50 bill credit is available for customers who join the SRP EV Community.


Utilities: Arizona Salt River Project (SRP) - Commercial

$1500 - $15000

Salt River Project (SRP) offers a Business EV charging rebate program for qualified customers. Customers can receive $1,500 for each networked Level 2 charging port and $15,000 for each DCFC port installed. Rebate funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.


Utilities: Arizona Tucson Electric Power (TEP) - Residential

$200 - $500

Tucson Electric Power (TEP) provides rebates to residential customers towards the purchase and installation of EV chargers. Customers who purchase and residential customers can claim a rebate covering up to 75% of EVSE installation cost. The maximum rebate is $500 for an EV charger rated 50 amps or more, $300 for 30 amps – 49 amps, and $200 for 30 amps and below.


State: Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) NEVI Planning - Commercial

Arkansas will receive $54.1 million over 5 years to deploy EV charging infrastructure along major cooridors


Utilities: Entergy - Residential

Qualified Entergy customers are eligible to receive incentives in varying amounts for the purchase of select on- and off-road electric vehicles and Level 2 EVSE. For more information, including eligible technologies, see the Entergy eTech website.


State: CalTrans & California Energy Commission (CEC) NEVI Planning - Commercial

California will receive over $384 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major cooridors.


State: California South Coast Air Quality Management District Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (SCAQMD & MSRC) Residential EV charging incentives program - Residential

Up to $750

Residents in Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County can receive $500 for installing a Level 2 EV charging station into a 240v outlet. Low income customers can receive an additional $250.


Utilities: Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) - Commercial

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. Customers who purchase and install EV chargers can receive a maximum of three DCFC rebates per premises.


Utilities: Burbank Water & Power (BWP) - Commercial

Up to $7,500

Burbank Water and Power (BWP) provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase of Level 2 EVSE. Commercial customers who purchase and install EVSE can receive up to $7500 for each DC fast charger and up to four rebates per year as long as funding is available.


Utilities: Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Low Income Empower EV Program - Residential

Up to $2500 

PG&E provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase or installation of an EV charger. Customers who purchase and install an EV charger can receive up to $2,500 per income-eligible household. The program begins in early 2023.


Utilities: Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE) - Commercial

Up to $5,500 per EVSE port 

The Peninsula Clean Energy CCA offers incentives for multi-unit dwellings, affordable housing projects, public agencies, and workplaces to install Level 1 and Level 2 charging.


Utilities: Southern California Edison (SCE) - Charge Ready Program - Commercial

Up to $3,500 per port 

Southern California Edison (SCE) provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. Customers who purchase and install EV chargers can receive up to $3,500 per port with limits of up to 15 ports.


Utilities: San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE) Power Your Drive for Fleets - Commercial

up to $75,000 per charger 

San Diego Gas & Electric provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. Customers who purchase and install EV chargers can receive up to $3,000 per Level 2 charger and upwards of $75,000 per DC fast charger.


Utilities: Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) - Commercial

up to $30,000 per unit

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. Customers who purchase and install EV chargers can receive up to $4,500 per handle for each level 2 EV charger and up to $30,000 per DC fast charging unit. 


Utilities: Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) EVSE Rebate - Residential

Up to $1,500 

Residential customers who install wall-mounted chargers can receive up to $1000 for an EV charger and $250 for a dedicated EV meter. EVSE must be installed within the LADWP service area. Income eligible customers participating in LADWP’s Senior Citizen/Disability Lifeline or EZ-SAVE programs are eligible for an additional $500 rebate


Utilities: Anaheim Public Utilities (APU) Private Use EV Charger Rebate - Residential

$500 - $1000

Anaheim Public Utilities offers rebates of up to $500 for customers with a Level 2 EV charger who aren't participating in one of the utilities Time-of-Use (ToU) programs or EV rate programs. Customers who sign up for one of the utilities programs with a networked charger can get up to $1,000. The program opens July 1, 2024.

Utilities: Glendale Water and Power (GWP) - Commercial

Up to $6,000

Glendale Water and Power (GWP) provides commercial customers who purchase and install EVSE up to $6,000 for each charger and up to four rebates.


Utilities: Glendale Water and Power (GWP) - Residential

up to $599

Glendale Water and Power (GWP) provides residential customers a rebate up to $599 to purchase a Level 2 EVSE with an additional $800 provided for any electrical panel upgrades.


Utilities: Turlock Irrigation District (TID) - Commercial

Up to $50,000

Turlock Irrigation District (TID) offers commercial customers a rebate installing DCFC and Level 2 chargers.


Utilities: Turlock Irrigation District (TID) - Residential

Up to $400

TID also offers residential customers a rebate of $300 for the purchase and installation of a qualifying Level 2 EV charging station. Low-income customers enrolled in the TID CARES Program are eligible for an additional rebate of $700 per EV and $100 per EV charging station.


Utilities: Liberty Utilities - Residential

Up to $1,500

Liberty Utilities offers residential customers a rebate of $1,500 for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV charging stations at their home.


Utilities: Liberty Utilities - Commercial

Up to $2,500

Liberty Utilities offers commercial customers a rebate of $2,500 for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV charging stations at their small business.


Utilities: Marin Clean energy (MCE) - Commercial & MUD

Up to $60,000

MCE provides rebates of up to $3,000 for the purchase and installation of qualifying Level 2 EV charging stations at MUDs and workplaces in MCE territory, up to $60,000 per site. Customers that are enrolled in the MCE Deep Green program may be eligible for an additional $500 rebate per port, up to $10,000 per site.


Utilities: Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) - Residential


AMP residential customers can receive an $500 rebate when installing a wall-mounted EV charger.


Utilities: Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) - Commercial

Up to $39,000

AMP commercial customers can receive $6,000 per Level 2 charger and $500 per additional port for a total of 6 chargers.


Utilities: Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) Multifamily Property Rebate - Commercial

Up to $48,000

AMP provides multifamily properties with $8,000 per Level 2 charger for up to 6 rebates.


Utilities: Azusa Light & Water - Residential


Azusa Light & Water offers a $150 rebate to customers for the purchase of an ENERGY STAR certified Level 2 EV charging station.


Utilities: Silicon Valley Power

Up to $5,000

SVP offers rebates for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV charging stations to residential, multifamily, school, and nonprofit customers.


State: Colorado Department of Transportation (CODOT) NEVI Planning - Commercial

Colorado will receive $57 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major cooridors


State: Colorado Charge Ahead Program - Commercial

Up to $70,000 per charger

The Charge Ahead Colorado Program provides rebates to entities toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. Entities that purchase and install EV chargers can receive up to $6,250 per level 2 charging station (up to 49 kW). DC fast charging stations can get anywhere from$35,000 per single-port charging station with 50-99 kW charging speeds to $70,000 per dual-port DCFC with 100 KW+


State: Colorado Energy Office (CEO) Colorado Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) Plazas Program - Commercial

Up to $125,000 per charger

The Colorado DC fast charging plazas program provides rebates to entities installing DC fast charging stations in specific areas. Installing DCFC stations in the Seven Counties Denver Metro Area nets $80,000 per charger, Front Range Urban nets up to $105,000 per charger and Range Urban nets up to $125,000 per charger. All must have a minimum speed of 150kW 


Utilities: Xcel Energy - Residential

Up to $1,300

Xcel Energy customers can save $500 on the installation and purchase of a Level 2 charger, income-qualified customers can qualify for up to $1,300


Utilities: Xcel Energy - Commercial

Up to $2,500 per port for small businesses

Xcel Energy provides rebates of $2,500 per port to offset wiring costs and $2,000 per charging station. 


Utilities: Colorado Empire Electric Association - Commercial

$2,000 - $9,000

Colorado Empire Electric Association provides rebates of 50% of EV charger equipment and installation costs up to $2,000 for Level 2 charging and $9,000 for DC fast charging for stations capable of 150kW and above with a limit of 2 chargers per member.


Utilities: Colorado Empire Electric Association - Residential

Up to $1,200

Colorado Empire Electric Association provides rebates for the installation of Level 2 home chargers for EEA members. Members on All Energy rate can get a rebate for 50% of total equipment and electric service installation costs up to $250 while members on a Time of Use (ToU) Demand Rate get a rebate for 50% of total equipment and electrical service installation costs up to $1,250


Utilities: Colorado Gunnison County Electric Association (GCEA) - Residential

50% up to $1,250

Gunnison County Electric Association (GCEA) provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase of Level 2 EVSE. Eligible customers who purchase and install EVSE can receive a rebate of 50% of the total cost of equipment and installation up to $1,250. To qualify, applicants must also sign up for a time-of-use rate.


Utilities: Colorado Poudre Valley REA - Residential

$250 - $1,000

Poudre Valley REA members can receive rebates for installing Level 2 EV chargers at their homes. Level 2 EV charger installations with a Member Managed Program participation can receive up to $1,000 by way of 50% of electrical service installation costs and total equpment costs, up to $500 each. Members without a MMP participation can get 50% of total electrical service installation costs and total equipment costs up to $125 each, for $250 total.


Utilities: Colorado Poudre Valley REA - Commercial

Up to $7,000

Level II charger for public use rebate is 50% of the cost for equipment and installation up to $1,000. DC fast chargers at speeds of 50-75 kW max output recieve $3,000, 76-149 kW receive $5,000, 150 kW+ max output receive $7,000.


Utilities: Colorado San Isabel Electric Association (SIEA) - Residential

Up to $1,000

San Isabel Electric Association offers members a rebate of up to 50% for home EV charger equipment and electrical service installation, up to $1,000


Utilities: Black Hills Energy - Residential

Up to $1,800

Black Hills Energy offers residential customers a $500 rebate for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. Low-income residents are eligible for a rebate of up to $1,300.


Utilities: Black Hills Energy - Commercial and Government

Up to $35,000

Black Hills Energy offers rebates to non-residential customers for the purchase and installation of Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations.


State: Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) NEVI Planning - Commercial

Connecticut will receive $52.5 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major cooridors


Utilities: Norwich Public Utilities - Commercial

up to $4000

Norwich Public Utilities offers commercial customers rebates up to $3000 for level 2 charger installed on commercial or MUD properties and $4000 for publically accessible level 2 chargers.


Utilities: Norwich Public Utilities - Residential

up to $1000

Norwich Public Utilities offers residential customers rebates up to $1000 for the purchase and installation of qualified EVSE.


Utilities: EverSource - Residential

up to $1000 off a charger and $200 in rewards

EverSource's ConnectedSolutions Program rewards customers who use less energy during periods of peak demand, when others are using more. Customers who already own an eligible EV charger can earn $100 for joining the Program. When you participate in each of the four months per year of the ConnectedSolutions season, you will be issued an additional $50 per month incentive. This means you can earn up to $200 per year. Customers are also eligible for up to a $1000 rebate on a home EV charger.


Utilities: The United Illuminating Company (UI) Single-Family Residentil Level 2 Charging - Residential

Up to $1,000

The United Illuminating Company (UI) provides up to $500 for a new EV charging and an additional $500 for any necessary wiring upgrades. Customers who already have an EV charger are eligibile for a $100 incentive by signing up for the CT EV Charging Program.

Washington D.C

State: District Department of Transportation (DDOT) NEVI Planning - Commercial

Washington D.C will receive over $16.6 million to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major cooridors.


State: Washington D.C. AFV Infrastructure Tax Credit - Residential

up to $1000

A tax credit is also available for 50 percent of the equipment costs for the purchase and installation of alternative fuel infrastructure. The maximum credit is $1,000 per residential electric car charging station.


State: Washington D.C. AFV Infrastructure Tax Credit - Commercial & Government

up to $10,000

A tax credit is also available for 50 percent of the equipment costs for the purchase and installation of alternative fuel infrastructure. The maximum credit is $10,000 for each public fueling station.


Utilities: Pepco Public Transportation Charger Program - Commercial

Pepco provides rebates to commercial and government bus and taxi rideshare fleets to get access to readymade EV charging equipment. Bus infrastructure must be 125 kW or 500 kW in order to apply and taxi rideshare infrastructure must be fully dedicated and fully accessible to taxi rideshare vehicles only.


Utilities: Pepco Public Charging Make-Ready Program - Commercial

Pepco provides rebates to commercial customers installing public charging stations within Washington D.C. Pepco will provide a rebate for the cost of electric supply infrastructure or pay an electrician directly to install electrical infrasturcture to support a maximum of 5 Level II or 4 DCFC per location. Rebate recipients will own and be responsible for upkeep of installed EV chargers.


Utilities: Clearview Energy EVSE Rebate - Residential

$50 and free charging

Clearview Energy is offering free EV charging daily from 11 PM to 6 AM (Sunday – Saturday) and a $50 rebate for a JuiceBox level 2 residential charger when you sign up for a CLEARCHARGE Clearview Energy Plan.


State: Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) NEVI Planning - Commercial

Delaware will receive $15 million over 5 years to deploy EV charging infrastructure along major cooridors.


State: Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) EV Rebates for MUDs - Commercial

Up to $50,000 per site

Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control is providing $600,000 for multi-family residential properties to install EV charging stations. Applicants can receive up to $50,000 per site for the installation of Level 2 charging hardware ranging from 16-80 amps with up to $100,000 available per applicant, rebate can be applied to multiple sites. 


State: Delaware EVSE Rebate - Commercial

up to $7,000

The Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Rebate Program provides rebates for Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations purchased after May 1, 2023. The rebate amount is for the cost of the charging station only. The maximum rebate amounts are $3,500 for single port and $7,000 for dual port.


Utilities: Delaware Electric Cooperative - Residential

Up to $200

DEC offers a one-time $200 rebate, in the form of a bill credit and an additional $5 monthly bill credit to customers if they do not charge their EVs during Beat the Peak alerts.


Utilities: Clearview Energy EVSE Rebate - Residential

$50 and free charging

Clearview Energy is offering free EV charging daily from 11 PM to 6 AM (Sunday – Saturday) and a $50 rebate for a JuiceBox level 2 residential charger when you sign up for a CLEARCHARGE Clearview Energy Plan.


State: Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) NEVI Planning

Florida will receive $198 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructrure along major cooridors


State: Sarasota County ChargeUp! - Commercial, Government & Non-Profits

Up to $4,000

ChargeUP! Sarasota County offers rebates within Sarasota County for the installation of qualified Level 2 or DC fast charging EVSE. Businesses are eligible for a rebate up to $2,000 and non-profits or government organizations are eligible for a rebate up to $4,000.


Utilities: Jacksonvile Electric Authority - Commercial

Up to $30,000

JEA offers commercial customers rebates for the purchase or lease of electric vehicles (EVs) and EV charging stations. EVs and EV charging stations must be purchased and installed between October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2025. With $5,200 for DC fast charging stations and $1,000 per Level 2 EV charging stations.


Utilities: Brickell Energy - Commercial

Through the aFLoat Host Agreement, Brickell Energy will cover the cost of hardware, network service plans, management service, and warranties. Eligible hosts include commercial real estate property owners and managers. Hosts must cover the cost of installation. The aFLoat Rental Plan offers public and commercial locations, the EV charging station hardware, network service plan, management service, and warranties at a reduced fee.


Utilities: Duke Energy - Commercial

Duke Energy’s Park and Plug Program will assist business customers with the installation of Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) station. Eligible installations must be publicly accessible 24 hours daily, near high-traffic corridors, well-lit, and near retail, restaurant, or other amenities.


Utilities: Tampa Electric Company - Commercial

Up to $5,000 per port

TECO’s Drive Smart Program offers business customers a rebate of up to $5,000 per port for the purchase and installation of public EV charging stations. Eligible project locations include workplace, public or retail, multi-unit dwelling, income-qualified, and government sites. Additional funding is available for EV charging stations installed in income-qualified areas and government sites.


State: Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) NEVI Planning - Commercial

Georgia will receive $135 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major cooridors


State: EV Charging Station Credit - Commercial

Up to $2,500

An eligible business enterprise may claim an income tax credit for the purchase and installation of qualified EV charging station. The EV charging station must be located in Georgia and accessible to the public. The tax credit is for 10% of the cost of the EV charging station, up to $2,500.


State: Georgia Peachtree Corners Community Charging Program

The City of Peachtree Corners provides rebates toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. For more details, visit the program website.


Utilities: Georgia Power Residential Charging Rebate - Residential

Up to $200

Georgia Power is offering its residential customers a $200 rebate when they install a home EV charger for installations completed before December 31, 2024


Utilities: Georgia Power EV Charger Rebate - Commercial

Up to $20,000 per project

Georgia Power provides rebates for its commercial customers deploying Level 2 and DC fast chargers. Customers deploying 5 or less Level 2 chargers can receive $50/kW per charger up to $2,000  while those deploying 6 or moreLevel 2 chargers chargers can receive $250/kW per charger and deployments of 1 or more DC fast chargers can get $100/kW per charger, both up to $20,000 per project and up to $40,000 per year


State: Hawai'i Department of Transportation (HIDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Hawaii will receive $17.7 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Hawai'i Energy - Commercial & Government

Eligible applicants include individuals, non-profit organizations, private businesses, government entities, and homeowner associations or authorized entities on behalf of multifamily dwellings. Rebates are available for new and retrofitted EV charging stations and award amounts vary based on project type, charging station technology, and port count. Rebates are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis while funding lasts.


State: Idaho Transportation Department (IDT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Idaho will receive $30 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Indiana will receive $99 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors


Utilities: Indiana Michigan Power - Commercial

$250 per Level 2 station

Indiana Michigan Power offers commercial, fleet, and multi-unit dwelling customers a rebate of $250 per Level 2 EV charging station port installed or five years’ worth of revenue credits to apply against construction costs of new business facilities to serve newly installed EV charging stations. Incentives are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Utilities: Indian Michigan Power (IMP) Small Business - Commercial


Indiana Michigan Power offers small business customers who average less than 4,500 kWh per month of electricity a $500 incentive and a discounted off-peak rate to install public Level 2 EV chargers.


Utilities: Indiana Michigan Power (IMP) - Residential

$500 rebate for joining

I&M’s incentive helps offset the cost to set up or retrofit your current charger configuration to measure off-peak PEV charging. PEV charging from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am daily will be discounted 30% from our standard residential per kWh rate. Customers also receive a $500 rebate.


Utilities: Duke Energy - Commercial

Up to $500

Duke Energy offers rebates of up to $500 to commercial customers for the installation of Level 2 EV charging stations at workplaces, multi-unit dwellings, fleets, or publicly available locations.


Utilities: Duke Energy EVSE Rental Program

Duke Energy allows residential and commercial customers to rent Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations for a flat rate each month.


Utilities: Indiana Applied Energy Services (AES) EV Managed Charging Program - Residential

Up to $250 

AES Indiana offers residential customers a $250 rebate for the purchase of a new JuiceBox Level 2 EV charging station. Customers must enroll in a managed charging program.


State: Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Illinois will receive $148 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors


State: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency - EV Charger Rebates - Commercial

Up to 80% of the cost of installation

Beginning July 1, 2022, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) will offer rebates to public and private entities for the installation and maintenance of Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Rebate awards may cover up to 80% of the eligible project costs. Additional rebates are available for EV charging stations deployed in underserved and environmental justice communities.


Utilities: Southwestern Electric Cooperative (SWEC) - Residential


Southwestern Electric Coop provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. Customers who purchase and install EV chargers are eligible to receive a $200 bill credit.


State: Iowa Department of Transportation (IowaDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Iowa will receive over $51.3 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging hardware along major highway cooridors. More information on the state's grant program will be released Spring 2023.


Utilities: Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives (IAEC) - Residential

Up to $750

Members of Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives are offering rebates in varying amounts to residential customers for installing home EV chargers. Incentives range from $250-$750 for costs pertaining to the installation and purchase of a home EV charger with some Cooperatives offering incentives for multiple chargers per household.


State: Kansas Department of Transportation (KSDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Kansas will receive $39.5 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: Kansas EVSE Tax Credit - Commercial

Up to $100,000

The Kansas Department of Revenue Tax Credit gives corporations 40% of the total JuiceBox installation cost to not exceed $100,000. This tax credit is only available to those with corporate income tax liability. For those alternative-fuel fueling stations placed in service on or after Jan. 1, 2009, the amount of credit which exceeds the tax liability may be carried forward to the next four tax years or until used, whichever is earlier.


State: Kansas Department of Revenue (KDR) Commercial Vehicle Credit - Commercial

Up to $40,000

For any qualified alternative-fueled motor vehicle placed in service on or after Jan. 1, 2005, the credit is 40 percent of the incremental cost or conversion cost for each qualified alternative-fueled motor vehicle, up to $2,400 per qualified vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of less than 10,000 lbs.; $4,000 for a heavy duty motor vehicle with a gross vehicles weight of greater than 10,000 lbs. but less than 26,000 lbs.; and $40,000 for motor vehicles having a gross vehicle weight of greater than 26,000 lbs.


Utilities: Tennessee Valley Authority Fast Charger Program - Commercial

Up to $150,000

Tennessee Valley Authority offers commercial customers interested in deploying publically accessible DC fast chargers can receive grants equalling 80% of project costs or no more than $150,000 per fast charger. Basic requirements include DC fast charging hardware that can charge two CCS Combo compatible EVs at 50 kW concurrently.


Utilities: Evergy - Residential

Up to $500

Evergy offers residential customers a $250 rebate for the purchase of a Level 2 EV Charger. Evergy offers an additional $250 rebate when customers sign up for an EV TOU rate. To receive the additional rebate, Kansas Central region customers must enroll in either the EV Plan or the TOU Plan rate, and Kansas Metro region customers must enroll in the TOU Plan rate.


Utilities: Evergy Fleet Electrification - Commercial

Up to $65,000 per site

Evergy Kansas offers fleet customers rebates for up to 10 Level 2 charging ports and 2 DCFC units with a maximum rebate of $65,000 per site.


Utilities: Evergy Workplace Charging - Commercial

Up to $25,000

Evergy Kansas offers organizations rebates for workplace EV charger deployments. Businesses can receive $25,000 per site for up to 10 Level 2 charging ports.


Utilites: Evergy Public EV Charging Rebate - Commercial

Up to $55,000 per site

Evergy Kansas offers organizations rebates toward publically available EV charging deployments. Organizations can receive up to $45,000 for up to 2 Level 2 chargers and 2 DCFC units at their site within 1 mile of a highway intersection and up to $55,000 for up to 6 Level 2 and 2 DCFC units at ther site further than 1 mile from a highway.


Utilities: Evergy Multifamily Charging Rebate - Commercial

Up to $25,000 per site

Evergy Kansas offers rebates toward EV charging deployments for multifamily residential properties. Properties can receive up to $25,000 per site for up to 10 Level 2 charging ports.


State: Kentucky Department of Transportation (KYDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Kentucky will receive over $69.5 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Tennessee Valley Authority Fast Charger Program - Commercial

Up to $150,000 per charger

Tennessee Valley Authority offers commercial customers interested in deploying publically accessible DC fast chargers can receive grants equalling 80% of project costs or no more than $150,000 per fast charger. Basic requirements include DC fast charging hardware that can charge two CCS Combo compatible EVs at 50 kW concurrently.


State: Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development (LADOTD) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Louisiana will receive $73 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors. The state will solicit applications for funding in Q1 2023.


Utilities: Louisiana Entergy E-tech - Commercial

Entergy Louisiana provides solutions for businesses of all sizes to increase their efficiency. Commercial customers should contact Entergy for an estimated rebate amount for Level 2 and DC fast charging stations.


Utilities: Louisiana Entergy E-tech - Residential

Up to $250

Entergy Louisiana residential customers can receive a $250 rebate for a qualifying Level 2 EV charger.


Utilities: SWEPCO - Residential


SWEPCO offers residential customers a $250 rebate for the installation of an ENERGY STAR certified Level 2 EV charging station. Additional terms and conditions apply.


State: Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) and Efficiency Maine NEVI Plan - Commercial

Maine will receive $19 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors


State: Efficiency Maine - Government & Non-profit


Government and non-profit entities can receive a $350 rebate for installing Level 2 EV chargers. Maine government and tribal government entities can receive up to 5 rebates per 12-month period while non-profits may receive 10 rebates per 12-month period


State: Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Maryland will receive $62 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE) EV Smart - Residential

up to $300

Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) provides rebates to residential and multifamily customers toward the purchase of qualified Level 2 and direct current (DC) fast charging EVSE. BGE offers residential customers a $300 rebate for a Level 2 smart EVSE.


Utilities: Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE) EVsmart Rebate - Residential


Residential BGE customers may be eligible for a $50 annual incentive when they install a qualified Level 2 charger at home and charge from 9pm – 7am.


Utilities: Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE) - Commercial & MUD

Up to $30,000 per site

Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) offers commercial customers a rebate for 50% of the purchase and installation cost of eligible Level 2 EV charging stations, up to $5,000 per port, and 50% of the purchase and installation cost of eligible direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations, up to $15,000 per port. Rebate awards may not exceed $30,000 per site. Eligible commercial customers include multifamily properties, homeowner’s associations, small businesses, non-profit organizations, and commercial fleets.


Utilities: Maryland Eversource ConnectedSources Charger Program - Residential

Up to $300 first year

Customers can enroll in a remote managed demand response EV charging program in which they receive $100 for signing up, then up to $50 over the 4 months of the ConnectedSolutions season, resulting in $300 the first year and up to $200 therein after


Utilities: Potomac Edison - Residential

Up to $300

Potomac Edison offers residential customers a $300 rebate for the purchase and installation of a qualified Level 2 EV charging station through the EV Driven Program.


Utilities: Potomac Edison EVDriven - MUD

Up to $20,000

Potomac Edison offers multifamily property owners a rebate of up to $20,000 for the purchase and installation of qualified Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations on their property through the EV Driven Program. Only customers that purchase and install eligible EV charging stations after December 1, 2019, are eligible.


Utilities: Delmarva Power - Residential & MUD

Up to $15,000

Delmarva Power provides rebates to residential and multifamily customers toward the purchase of qualified Level 2 EV charging stations. Delmarva Power offers residential customers a $300 rebate for a Level 2 smart EV charging station. Only EV charging stations purchased and installed after July 1, 2019, are eligible.


Delmarva Power offers customers that own or operate multifamily properties a rebate for 100% of the cost to purchase and install eligible Level 2 smart EV charging stations, up to $15,000 per station.


Utilities: Pepco - Residential


Pepco provides rebates to residential and multifamily customers toward the purchase of qualified Level 2 EV charging stations. Pepco offers residential customers a $300 rebate for a Level 2 smart EV charging station. Only EV charging stations purchased and installed after July 1, 2019, are eligible.


State: Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Massachusetts will receive $63.5 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (MassEVIP) - Commercial & Government

Up to $50,000

The Public Access Charging Program provides grants to non-residential entities for 80% of the cost of DCFC EV charging stations and installation, and a maximum of $50,000 per street address for hardware and installation costs. Installations at government property qualify for 100% of the cost, up to $50,000. Qualified EV charging stations must be available to the public at least 12 hours per day.


State: Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (MassEVIP) - MUD

Up to $50,000

The Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (MassEVIP) provides grants for 60% of the cost of Level 1 or Level 2 EV charging stations installed at MUDs and educational campuses, up to $50,000 per street address. Eligible entities include private, public, or non-profit MUDs with five or more residential units, and educational campuses with at least 15 students on campus.


Utilities: Braintree Electric Light Department (BELD) Residential EVSE Incentive - Residential

up to $250

Braintree Electric Light Department (BELD) offers residential customers a discount of $250 for the purchase of a qualified Level 2 EVSE. To qualify, customers must enroll in the Smart Charging Program.


Utilities: Massachusetts Eversource Make Ready EV - Residential

Up to $300

Eversource Electric Vehicle (EV) Home Charger Demand Response program offers an rebate of up $300 to residential customers that charge their EV during off-peak periods.


Utilities: Massachusetts Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) - Commercial

up to $1500

Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) offers Commercial customers a rebate of 50%, up to $1,500 towards out-of-pocket costs for Level 2 EV charging installation.


Utilities: National Grid US EV Charging Program - Commercial

Up to 100% of Project Costs

National Grid’s Electric Vehicle Charging Station Program provides non-residential customers with installation and funding support to install approved Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations at businesses, multi-unit dwellings, and workplaces.


Utilities: Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (MMWEC) Connected Homes - Residential

Up to $650

MMWEC's Connected Homes Program provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase of an EV charger. For more information, visit the program website.


Utilities: Shewsbury Electric and Cable Operations (SELCO) EV Charger Rebates - Residential

Up to $700

Shewsbury Electric and Cable Operations (SELCO) offers residential customers rebates for EV chargers based on their new EV or PHEV type. Full Evs can receive up to $700 while Plug-in Hybrids with less than 15 kWh can get $200 and those Plug-in Hybrids above 15 kWh can receive $300.


Utilities: Clearview Energy EVSE Rebate - Residential

$50 and free charging

Clearview Energy is offering free EV charging daily from 11 PM to 6 AM (Sunday – Saturday) and a $50 rebate for a JuiceBox level 2 residential charger when you sign up for a CLEARCHARGE Clearview Energy Plan.


State: Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Michigan will receive $110 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors. Applications will open early 2023.


Utilities: DTE Energy - Residential


DTE Energy provides residential customers $500 towards a home EV charger when they enroll in a TOD rate.


Utilities: DTE Energy Home Charger Installation Program - Residential

DTE Energy customers can finance their EV charger installation through DTE for 3 year, 5 year and 10 year terms. This offer can be combined with the $500 home charger incentive rebate.


Utilities: DTE Charging Forward Electric Fleets - Commercial

Up to $70,000 per DCFC; $2,500 per Level 2

DTE Energy provides EV charging rebates to commercial customers with up to $2,500 per Level 2 port and $70,000 per DCFC charger.


Utilities: DTE Energy - Commercial

Up to $55,000 per DCFC; $2,000 per Level 2

Commercial customers can receive $2K per Level 2 port and $55K per DCFC. Funding for DCFC is limited so rebates will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis


Utilities: Holland Board of Public Works (BPW) Charge Up Holland - Residential

Up to $325

Holland BPW provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. Holland BPW offers a $325 rebate for residential customers who install an ENERGY STAR certified home EV charger.


Utilities: Holland Board of Public Works (BPW) Charge Up Holland - Commercial

$35,000 for commercial

Holland BPW provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. Holland BPW offers 50% up to $1,500 per Level 2 charger, on a case by case basis for DCFC with a minimum 150kW and $35,000 total rebate for commercial customers.


Utilities: Consumers Energy PowerMIDrive Program - Commercial

up to $70000

Consumers Energy provides rebates for L2 and DCFC stations. Residents can receive a $500 rebate for L2 chargers. Public access locations can receive up to $7,500 on Level 2 and up to $70,000 for DC fast charging stations.


Utilities: Consumers Energy PowerMIDrive Program - Residential

up to $500

Consumers Energy provides rebates for L2 stations. Residents can receive a $500 rebate for L2 chargers.


Utilities: Lansing Board of Water & Light (BWL) EV Charging Program - Residential

Up to $1,000

BWL offers a $1,000 rebate for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station to residential customers who purchase or lease a electric vehicle (EV).


Utilities: Great Lakes Energy (GLE) EV Charging Program - Residential

Up to $1000

GLE offers residential customers a $500 rebate for the purchase of a networked Level 2 EV charging station and a $500 rebate for the purchase or lease of a new EV.


Utilities: Presque Electric & Gas Co-op - Residential

Up to $600

PIEG offers residential customers a $600 rebate for the purchase of an ENERGY STAR qualified Level 2 EV charging station.


Utilities: Cherryland Electric Cooperative - Residential & Commercial

Up to $1,000

Cherryland Electric Cooperative offers residential customers a $500 rebate for the purchase of a Level 2 EV charging station and commercial customers a $1,000 rebate for the purchase of a Level 2 EV charging station.


Utilities: Presque Isle Electric & Gas (PIEG) Home Charging Rebate - Residential


PIEG is offering residential customers a $600 rebate for the purchase of an ENERGY STAR qualified Level 2 EV charger.


State: Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Minnesota will receive $68 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: Minnesota VW Settlement - Commercial

As part of the settlement agreement reached with the federal government, Minnesota will receive $47 million between 2018 and 2027 from Volkswagen’s Environmental Mitigation Trust. MPCA may use a portion of funds (up to 15%) to install EV charging stations.


Utilities: Minnesota Xcel Energy - Residential

Xcel Energy offers a pilot program for residential customers who own or lease an EV. The program provides a Level 2 home EV charger that can be purchased outright or leased from Xcel at discount. Billing will be handled through the customer’s monthly bill.


Utilities: Minnesota Xcel Energy - Commercial

Xcel Energy provides rebates to commercial customers in its Minnesota territory toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. As part of the pilot, Xcel Energy will install and maintain the service connection and the electrical infrastructure to support charging.


Utilities: Dakota Electric Association - Residential

Up to $500

Dakota Electric offers a rebate of up to $500 for the installation of Level 1 or Level 2 EV charging station. To be eligible for the rebate, EVs must use a separate sub-metered circuit.


Utilities: Minnesota Lake Region Electric (LREC) - Residential

Up to $500

Lake Region Electric Cooperative (LREC) offers a rebate of up to $500 for the installation of Level 1 or Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).


Utilities: Minnesota Otter Tail Power Company (OTPC) - Residential


Otter Tail Power Company offers a $400 rebate for residential customers installing a Level 2 EVSE.


Utilities: Runestone Electric Association (REA) - Residential

Up to $500

Runestone Electric Association offers rebates to residential customers of up to $500 for the installation of Level 2 EV charging station. To receive the full rebate, eligible applicants must enroll EV charging stations on a time-of-use rate (TOU). EV charging stations not installed on TOU rate will receive $250.


Utilities: Great River Energy (GRE) - Commercial

Great River Energy provides rebates for the purchase or lease of Level 2 EV chargers. Rebates are available for public, workplace, multifamily, and fleet charging stations. Leased charges must have a minimum lease term of 5 years.


Utilities: Minnesota Connexus Energy - Residential


Connexus Energy offers a $500 rebate to residential customers toward the installation of a qualified Level 2 EVSE. EVSE must be controlled on an off-peak rate and must be installed within their respective service area.


Utilities: Minnesota Connexus Energy - Commercial

Up to $1,000

For commercial customers, Connexus Energy offers a rebate of up to $1,000 for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EVSE.


Utilities: Minnesota Power Level 2 Smart Charger Rebate - Residential


Minnesota Power offers residential customers who purchase a Level 2 smart charger a $500 rebate. Customers must participate in one of Minnesota Power's time-based or interruptible rates.


Utilities: Minnesota Power Commercial EV Demand Charge Rate - Commercial

Minnesota Power offers commercial customers a pilot electricity rate that limits demand chargers for EV charging. Monthly demand chargers may not exceed 30% of a customer's bill.


State: Mssissippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Mississippi will receive $50.5 million overe 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Tennessee Valley Authority Fast Charger Program - Commercial

Up to $150,000

Tennessee Valley Authority offers commercial customers interested in deploying publically accessible DC fast chargers can receive grants equalling 80% of project costs or no more than $150,000 per fast charger. Basic requirements include DC fast charging hardware that can charge two CCS Combo compatible EVs at 50 kW concurrently.


Utilities: Mississippi Power - Residential

Up to $250

Mississippi Power also offers a rebate of up to $250 Level 2 EV charging stations.


Utilities: Mississippi Power - Commercial

Up to $2000

Mississippi Power also offers a rebate of up to $2000 for businesses installing Level 2 EV charging stations.


Utilities: Entergy eTech - Residential


Entergy offers qualified customers a cash incentive of $250 to purchase a Level 2 EV charger.


Utilities: Entergy eTech - Commercial

Up to $1,500

Entergy offers commercial customers $750-$1500 per DC fast charging port with the amount determine on a case-by-case basis.


State: Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Missouri will receive $98 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging along major highway cooridors.


State: Missouri Department of Natural Resources - Commercial & Government

Up to 80% of installation cost

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) offers grants to government and non-government entities of up to 80% of the cost to purchase, install, and maintain Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations at eligible locations. Each site must install two DCFC stations with optional Level 2 charging stations. All EV charging stations must be publicly accessible.


Utilities: Evergy - Residential

Up to $500

Evergy offers a $500 rebate for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station to qualified residential customers that purchase or lease an EV and enroll in a time-of-use rate.


Utilities: Kirkwood Electric - Residential

Up to $300

Kirkwood Electric offers residential and business customers a $300 rebate for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. Applicants are limited to one rebate per location annually.


Utilities: Missouri Ameren - Commercial

Up to $20,000 per DCFC; $5,000 per Level 2

Open to most Ameren Missouri business customers. Total incentive allowed for affiliated businesses is $500,000. Incentive of $5,000 per Level 2 port (40amp max) and incentive of $20,000 per DCFC port (50kW nominal max). Maximum incentive is up to 50% of total project cost.


State: Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Montana will receive $43 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Nebraska will receive $30.2 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Nebraska Public Power Department (NPPD) EVSE Rebate - Commercial & Non-profit

up to 90% of hardware and 100% for conduit

NPPD offers commercial customers a 50% reimbursement and non-profits a 90% reimbursement for the installation of up to four public Level 2 or one direct current fast charging (DCFC) station and a 100% reimbursement, of up to $1,000, for the construction of conduit necessary to support EV charging station installations. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. 


State: Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Nevada will receive $38 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Nevada Energy Interstate Cooridor Charging Depots - Commercial

NV Energy offers rebated for Level 2 and DCFC deployments along interstate cooridor depots.


Utilities: Nevada Energy Outdoor Recreation Iconic Sites - Commercial

NV Energy offers rebates for Level 2 and DCFC deploylments at outdoor recreation sites.

New Hampshire

State: New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

New Hampshire will receive $17.2 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: New Hampshire Electric Co-op (NHEC) EVSE Rebate - Residential

up to $300

NHEC offers rebates for residential customers to install EVSE. Customers may receive a rebate of up to $300 to install EVSE and a separate electric meter.


Utilities: New Hampshire (NHEC) - Commercial

up to $2,500

NHEC offers commercial and municipal customers a rebate for 75% of the cost, up to $2,500, to purchase and install Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations.

New Jersey

State: New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

New Jersey will receive $104 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Pay$ to Plug In Program - Commercial

$750 - $200,000

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) provides grants to entities through the It Pay$ to Plug In Program. Entities that purchase and install EV chargers can receive up to $750 per Level 1 charger, $4,000 per Level 2 charger and $200,000 per DC fast charger.


State: New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) - Residential

up to $250

The NJBPU offers residents a $250 rebate for the purchase of an eligible residential EV charger through the Charge Up Residential Charger Program.


State: New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) - Commercial

Up to $50,000

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities’ (NJBPU) EV Tourism Program offers grants to local businesses and municipalities for the purchase of up to six Level 2 and two direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations for installation at New Jersey tourism sites and landmarks. Level 2 EV charging stations are eligible for grants of up to $5,000, and DCFC are eligible for grants of up to $50,000. Eligible sites include boardwalks, parks, attractions, and overnight lodging establishments.


State: New Jersey Board of Public Utilites (NJBPU) - MUD

Up to $6,000

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) MUD EV Charger Incentive Program offers grants of up to $4,000 to owners and operators of MUDs for the purchase and installation of eligible Level 2 EV charging stations. MUDs in overburdened municipalities are eligible for grants of up to $6,000.


Utilities: New Jersey Public Service Electric & Gas (PSEG) - Residential

up to $6,500

PSE&G offers residential customers a rebate of up to $1,500 for the behind the meter installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. Participants may also be eligible for a rebate of up to $5,000 for pole-to-meter utility service upgrades.


Utilities: New Jersey Public Service Electric & Gas (PSEG) - Commercial

Up to $25,000 per DCFC; $7,500 per Level 2

PSE&G provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. For Level 2 EV smart charging projects, customers can receive up to $7,500 per EVSE, up to $30,000 per site toward behind the meter installation costs, and up to $50,000 for pole to meter utility service upgrades. For DCFC EV charging projects, customers can receive up to $25,000 per EVSE, up to $100,000 per site for behind the meter installation costs, and up to $50,000 of pole to meter utility service upgrades if needed.


Utilities: Jersey Central Power & Lights (JCPL) EVDriven - Residential

Up to $5,500

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCPL) offers rebates of up to $5,500 to residential customers for the installation of make-ready Level 2 EV charging stations. Residential customers may also receive bill credits for charging during off-peak hours.


Utilities: Atlantic City Electric - Residential

Up to $1,000 and 50% of installation costs

ACE offers make-ready rebates to residential customers for the installation of Level 2 EV charging stations. Rebates include up to $1,000 in hardware, 50% in eligible costs.


Utilities: Jersey Central Power & Lights (JCPL) EVDriven - Commercial

Up to $25,000

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) offers rebates to commercial customers for the installation of publicly accessible, make-ready Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Rebates range from $5,000 for workplace Level 2 charging to $25,000 for publicly available DC fast charging and 50% of installation costs.


Utilities: Atlantic City Electric - Commercial

Up to $60,000 per DCFC port, Up to $5,000 per Level 2 port

ACE offers make-ready rebates to residential, multi-unit dwelling (MUD), commercial, and fleet customers for the installation of Level 2 EV charging stations. Additionally, make-ready rebates are available for publicly accessible Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Rebates range from $2,500 per Level 2 port for fleets and $60,000 per publically available DCFC port.


Utilities: Clearview Energy EVSE Rebate - Residential

$50 and free charging

Clearview Energy is offering free EV charging daily from 11 PM to 6 AM (Sunday – Saturday) and a $50 rebate for a JuiceBox level 2 residential charger when you sign up for a CLEARCHARGE Clearview Energy Plan.

New Mexico

State: New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

New Mexico will receive $38 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: El Paso Electric (EPE) - Residential

Up to $2,300

EPE offers residential customers a $500 rebate to purchase a qualified Level 2 EV charging stations and a $2,300 rebate for low-income customers to purchase and install a qualified Level 2 EV charging station. Low-income customers are households with income equal to or less than 200% of the federal poverty level. Eligible Level 2 EV charging stations must be ENERGY STAR certified, networked, and have Wi-Fi or cellular capabilities.


Utilities: New Mexico Xcel Energy - Residential

Xcel Energy provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase and installation of an EV charger.


Utilities: El Paso Electric (EPE) - Commercial

Up to $104,000

EPE offers commercial customers rebates for the installation of qualified Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Rebates range from $3,500 for workplace Level 2 EV chargers and $104,000 for networked DC fast chargers.


Utilities: New Mexico Xcel Energy - Commercial

Xcel Energy provides rebates to commercial entities in its New Mexico territory toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers.

New York

State: New York Department of Transportation (NYDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

New York will receive $175.4 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: New York Department of Taxation and Finance (NYSDTF) - Commercial

Up to $5,000

An income tax credit is available for 50% of the cost of alternative fueling infrastructure, up to $5,000. Qualifying infrastructure includes electric vehicle supply equipment. Unused credits may be carried over into future tax years.


Utilites: New York Public Service Electric & Gas (PSEG) - Residential

Up to $400

Public Service Enterprise Group offers EV charging incentives up to $400 per 240 volt outlet for an EV charger.


Utilites: New York National Grid - Commercial

Up to 100% of cost

National Grid provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of an EV charger. Customers who purchase and install EV chargers can receive up to 100% of the charger purchase and installation cost.


Utilities: ConEdison PowerReady - Commercial

ConEdison PowerReady Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Program provides business and municipal customers with installation and funding support for the installation of approved Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Additional funding is available for eligible projects located within disadvantaged communities.


Utilities: New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) Make Ready Program - Commercial

New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) Level 2 and Direct Current (DC) Fast Charger Make Ready Program provides business and municipal customers with installation and funding support to install approved Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Additional funding is available for eligible projects located within disadvantaged communities.


Utilities: Orange & Rockland Utilities (O&R) PowerReady - Commercial

The O&R PowerReady EV Program provides commercial customers with installation and funding support to install approved Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Additional funding is available for eligible projects located within disadvantaged communities.


Utilities: Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E) Make Ready - Commercial

RG&E Level 2 and Direct Current (DC) Fast Charger Make Ready Program provides business and municipal customers with installation and funding support to install approved Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Additional funding is available for eligible projects located within disadvantaged communities.


Utilities: Central Hudson - Commercial

Central Hudson provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of an EV charger. Customers who purchase and install EV chargers can receive up to 100% of installing the additional capacity and infrastructure under certain conditions. See website for more information.

North Carolina

State: North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

North Carolina will receive $109 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Tennessee Valley Authority Fast Charger Program - Commercial

Up to $150,000

Tennessee Valley Authority offers commercial customers interested in deploying publically accessible DC fast chargers can receive grants equalling 80% of project costs or no more than $150,000 per fast charger. Basic requirements include DC fast charging hardware that can charge two CCS Combo compatible EVs at 50 kW concurrently.


Utilities: Randolph Electric Membership Coorporation (EMC) REVUP - Residential


Randolph EMC’s Electric Vehicle Utility Program (REVUP) offers residential customers a rebate of $500 for the purchase of qualified Level 2 electric vehicle (EV) charging station. Rebates are available to the first 50 applicants on a first-come, first served basis.


Utilities: Duke Energy EV Charger Prep Credit - Residential 


Duke Energy offers customers a $1,133 rebate for electrical upgrades to support a Level 2 or up charger.


Utilities: Duke Energy Commercial Charger Prep Credit - Commercial

Duke Energy offers business and commercial home building customers a rebate for electrical upgrades to support EV charging stations. Rebate amounts vary by project and EV charging station type. Eligible projects include workplaces, businesses, transit agencies, schools, multifamily dwellings, fleets, new construction homes, and publicly available EV charging stations.

North Dakota

State: North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

North Dakota will receive $25.9 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Ohio will receive over $100 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Firelands Electric Cooperative (FEC) - Residential


FEC offers rebates of $250 to members who install Level 2 EV charging station(s) at a home, office, or other building.


Utilities: Clearview Energy EVSE Rebate - Residential

$50 and free charging

Clearview Energy is offering free EV charging daily from 11 PM to 6 AM (Sunday – Saturday) and a $50 rebate for a JuiceBox level 2 residential charger when you sign up for a CLEARCHARGE Clearview Energy Plan.


State: Oklahoma Department of Transportation (OKDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Oklahoma will receive $66 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Oregon will receive $100 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors. RFP's will be released Spring 2023.


State: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Community Charging Rebates - Commercial & MUD

Up to $5,500 per port

Beginning June 2023, ODOT will provide rebates toward Level 2 chargers for local communities, 70% of funding will specifically go toward rural and underserved communities


Utilities: Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) - Residential

Up to $500

Residential customers may receive a rebate of up to $500 for one Level 2 EV charging station.


Utilities: Consumers Power Inc (CPI) - Residential


CPI offers customers a $200 rebate for qualifying EV charging stations installed after April 1, 2020.


Utilities: Central Lincoln Public Utility District (CLPUD) - Residential

Up to $250

Central Lincoln offers residential customers a rebate of $250 when purchasing a Level 2 Charger.


Utilities: Portland Gas Electric (PGE) - Residential

Up to $1,000

Portland General Electric provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase of an EV charger. Residential customers who sign up will get a rebate of up to $500 toward the purchase of a connected charger. Income qualified applicants can receive an additional $500


Utilities: Portland General Electric (PGE) - Commercial

Up to $2,300 per port

PGE offers commercial customers rebates for the installation of Level 2 EV charging stations. Workplace charging stations can receive up to $1,000 per port while multi-family properties can receive up to $2,300 per port.


Utilities: Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) - Commercial

Up to $15,000 for DCFC, $2,000 for Level 2

Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) is offering eligible commercial customers purchasing a Level 2 charger a rebate of up to $2,000 and $15,000 for DC fast chargers.


Utilities: Central Lincoln Public Utility District (CLPUD) - Commercial


Central Lincoln offers business, industrial, multifamily dwelling customers a rebate of $250 when purchasing a Level 2 Charger.


Utilities: Pacific Power - Residential

Up to $1,000

Residential customers can recieve $500 capped at 75% of total costs for installing a qualified home EV charger. Income eligible participants can receive $1,000


Utilities: Pacific Power - MUD

Up to $3,000 per port

Multifamily developments can receive $3,000 per Level 2 charging port with a max rebate of $36,000 (12 ports)


Utilities: Pacific Power - Commercial

Up to $1,000 per port

Commercial customers can receive $1,000 per Level 2 port with a maximum rebbate of $6,000 (6 ports)


Utilities: Columbia River Public Utility District (CRPUD) - Residential


Columbia River PUD (CRPUD) offers eligible customers a rebate of $250 to purchase a Level 2 EVSE that is rated for 208/240 volts or greater, and 16amps or greater.


State: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Pennsylvania will receive $171.5 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure across major highway cooridors. Notice of funding opportunity was released January 6, 2023.


State: Driving PA Forward EVSE Incentive - Commercial

up to $5,000

Rebates of up to $5,000 per plug are available for Level 2 EVSE on publicly accessible government-owned or non-government-owned property, at workplaces, or at multi-unit dwellings that are not publicly accessible.


State: Pennsylvania Alternative Fuel Grant - Commercial

In Spring 2023, the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant (AFIG) Program will provide rebates toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers


Utilities: Clearview Energy EVSE Rebate - Residential

$50 and free charging

Clearview Energy is offering free EV charging daily from 11 PM to 6 AM (Sunday – Saturday) and a $50 rebate for a JuiceBox level 2 residential charger when you sign up for a CLEARCHARGE Clearview Energy Plan.

Puerto Rico

Territory: Puerto Rico Highway & Transit Authority (PRHTA) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Puerto Rico will receive $13.6 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.

Rhode Island

State: Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Rhode Island will receive $23 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Rhode Island Energy - Commerical

Up to 100%

Rhode Island Energy offers commercial customers rebates of up to 100% of installation costs for select Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations at workplaces, businesses, multi-unit dwellings, universities, and medical campuses.

South Carolina

State: South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

South Carolina will receive $70 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Duke Energy - Residential

Up to $500 and $13.87 in bill credits

Duke Energy offers a $500 rebate and monthly credit of $13.87 to residential customers that install a Level 2 EV charging station and agree to charge their EV during off-peak hours.


Utilities: Santee Cooper - Residential


Santee Cooper offers residential customers a rebate of up to $500 for the purchase of a qualified Level 2 EV charging station.


Utilities: Duke Energy - Commercial

Duke Energy offers to install and maintain direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations across Duke Energy’s service territory at no cost to site hosts until 2026. DCFC stations will be installed at a maximum of 30 locations and site host applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Eligible sites must be located within one mile of a major interstate or highway and DCFC must be publicly accessible.

South Dakota

State: South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

South Dakota will receive $29.5 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Black Hills Energy (BHE) EVSE Rebate - Residential


Black Hills Energy residential customers are eligible for rebates of $500 for smart EV charging stations.


Utilities: Black Hills Energy (BHE) EVSE Rebate - Commercial

Up to $35,000

Black Hills Energy Commercial customers are eligible for a rebate up to $2,000 per port for Level 2 chargers, or up to $35,000 for the installation of DC fast chargers.


State: Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Tennessee will receive over $88 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) - Commercial

Up to $150,000 per DC fast charging station

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and TVA will establish and fund a network of direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations every 50 miles along Tennessee’s interstates and major highways through the Fast Charge TN Network Program (Program). The Program offers funding for public DCFC stations along EV corridor gaps, up to $150,000 per DCFC station. Eligible applicants include TVA Local Power Companies, and eligible projects must include a minimum of two DCFC ports per location.


State: Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Texas will receive $407.8 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Austin Energy - Residential

Up to $900

Austin Energy offers residential customers who own an electric vehicle a rebate of 50% of the cost to purchase and install a qualified Level 2 EV charging station, up to $1,200 for OCPP compliant stations and $900 for non-OCPP compliant stations.


Utilities: Southwestern Electric Power Company  (SWEPCO) - Residential

Up to $250

The Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) provides residential customers a $250 rebate for installing an ENERGY STAR certified Level 2 EVSE.


Utilities: City Public Service Board of San Antonio (CPS Energy) - Residential


CPS Energy provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase of an EV charger. Customers can receive a $250 credit on their utility bill for allowing CPS Energy to configure their EV charger.


Utilities: United Cooperative Services (UCS) - Residential

up to $500

United Cooperative Services (UCS) offers residential customers a rebate of up to 50% of the cost of a Level 2 charger up to $500. Customers must sign up to avoid charging during peak hours (3-7 PM May-October)


Utilities: Texas Austin Energy - Commercial

Up to $15,000

Austin Energy offers a rebate for commercial customers to install approved EVSE at businesses. Austin Energy provides a rebate of up to $4,000 for Level 2 chargers and provides rebates up to $15,000 to workplaces that install a DC fast charger.


Utilities: Entergy eTech

Up to $250

Qualified Entergy customers are eligible to receive incentives in varying amounts for the purchase of select on- and off-road electric vehicles and Level 2 EV charging stations.


State: Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Utah will receive $36 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) - Commercial & Non-profit

Up to $75,000 per organization

The Utah Department of Environmental Quality offers rebates for up to 50% the installation cost of Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Utah-based businesses and non-profit organizations are eligible for a maximum rebate of $75,000 each. Government entities are also eligible to apply.


Utilities: Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) - Residential

Up to $200

Rocky Mountain Power offers residential customers a rebate of up to $200 for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. Customers may receive one Level 2 rebate per electric vehicle owned.


Utilities: Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) - Commerical

Up to $42,000 for DCFC, Up to $1,500 for Level 2

Rocky Mountain Power provides rebates to non-residential and multi-family customers toward the purchase of Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) station. Customers installing Level 2 EV charging stations may receive a rebate of 75% of equipment cost, up to $1,000 for single port stations and $1,500 for multi-port stations. Customers installing DCFC stations may receive a rebate of 75% of equipment and installation cost, up to $30,000 for single port stations and $42,000 for multi-port stations.


State: Vermont Agency of Transportation (VAOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Vermont will receive $21.2 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA) - Commercial

up to $500

VPPSA offers member customers a $500 rebate for the purchase of a Level 2 EV charging station. To qualify, the EV charging station must be installed for workplace or public use.


State: Vermont Deparment of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) MUD EV Charging Grant - Commercial & Government

Funding is available to expand access to EV charging stations at multi-unit dwellings. Eligible applicants include governments, businesses, non-profits, homeowner associations, electric utilities, and EV charging equipment providers. Funding may be used for planning, permitting, purchase, installation, and other onetime costs associated with installing EV charging stations.


State: Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Workplace EV Charging Grant - Commercial

Up to $100,000

Vermont Department of Hosuing and Community Development is offering grants for the installation of Level 2 EV charging stations at workplaces. Funds are dependent on the amount of employees at a paticular location, with workplace locations that have 100 or more employees able to receive over $56,000 for up to 12 charging ports. Funding is capped at $100,000 per business applicant.


State: Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Public Attraction EV Charging Grant - Commercial

Up to $160,000

Vermont Department of Hosuing and Community Development is offering grants for the installation of Level 2 and DCFC EV charging stations available to the public. Organizations can receive $56,000 for up to 12 charging ports and $160,000 for up to 4 DC fast charging stations.


Utilities: Vermont Electric Co-op (VEC) - Commercial

Up to $1,000

VEC offers a bill credit of $500 per connector, up to $1,000, to VEC member businesses and public entities that install Level 2 EV charging stations or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations after July 2, 2017. To qualify, the EV charging stations must be available for public use.


VEC also offers residential customers a $250 bill credit for the purchase of a Level 2 EV charging station. Members with eligible chargers may receive an additional $50 incentive for participating.


Utilities: Green Mountain Power (GMP) Workplace and Public Charging Incentive - Commercial

Up to $1,500 per port

Green Mountain Power is providing rebates for workplace and publicly available chargers. Customers in Green Mountain Power's service area can get $750 per Level 2 charging port and $1,500 per DCFC port.


State: Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Virginia will receive $106 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors. Grant solicitations will begin late Spring/early Summer.


Utilities: Tennessee Valley Authority Fast Charger Program - Commercial

Up to $150,000

Tennessee Valley Authority offers commercial customers interested in deploying publically accessible DC fast chargers can receive grants equalling 80% of project costs or no more than $150,000 per fast charger. Basic requirements include DC fast charging hardware that can charge two CCS Combo compatible EVs at 50 kW concurrently.


Utilities: Dominion Energy - Residential

$125 and $40/year

Dominion Energy offers residential customers a rebate of $125 for the purchase of a new Level 2 EV charging station. To be eligible, customers must enroll in Dominion Energy’s demand response program and register their EV charging station on or after March 1, 2021. Customers will also receive an annual payment of $40 on the anniversary of their enrollment in the demand response program.


Utilities: Dominion Energy Fleet Charging Program - Commercial

Up to 50%

Dominion Energy's Fleet Charging Program offers a 50% upfront incentives on equipment and installation for fleet customers installing EV charging stations.


Utilities: Dominion Energy Commercial Charging - Commercial

Dominion Energy provides make-ready Level 2 charging incentives for commercial and industrials customers. Customers can receive up to 50% upfront incentives on EV charging construction and installation. Customers pay the remaining costs on their monthly bill over 10 years.


Utilities: Danville Utilites - Residential


Danville Utilities offers residential customers a $200 rebate for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station.


Utilities: Appalachian Power Company (APC) - Residential


Appalachian Power Company offers residential customers a $100 rebate for the purchase of an ENERGY STAR certified Level 2 EV charging station.


State: Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Washington will receive $71 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: Washington Department of Commerce (WSDOC) Charge Where You Are - Commercial

Washington State Department of Commerce is providing $138 million in grants to install Level 2 or DCFC EV charging stations across the state. Chargers must incorporate J1772 and NACS plugs for Level 2 or CCS Combo and NACS plugs for DCFC stations.


Utilties: Washington Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) - Residential

Up to $600

TPU offers residential customers a $400 rebate, in the form of bill credit, for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station, a smart splitter, or a 240-volt outlet. Applicants may receive one rebate per installation, up to $600 total.


Utilities: Snohomish Public Utilities District (SPUD) - Residential

Up to $500

Speed up charging time and save energy by upgrading to a qualified Level 2 EV charger.


Utilities: Clark Public Utilities (CPU) - Residential

up to $500

Clark Public Utilities provides a $500 instant rebate to residential customers who purchase a Level 2 EV smart charger.


Utilities: Clark Public Utilities (CPU) - Commercial

up to $500

Clark Public Utilities provides a $500 instant rebate to commercial customers who purchase a Level 2 EV smart charger.


Utilities: Seattle City & Light Fleet Electrification - Commercial

Up to $100,000 per charger

Seattle City Light provides fleet customers incentives towards electrification. Fleets can receive up to $4,000 per Level 2 charger and up to $100,000 per DCFC providing 350 kW or more of power. Fleets interested in the Make-Ready program can receive up to 100% in incentives for Level 2 and DCFC charger installations.

West Virginia

State: West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

West Virginia will receive $45.6 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Appalachian Power Charge Forward - Residential

Up to $500

Appalachian Power offers residential customers a rebate of up to $500 for the purchase and installation of an ENERGY STAR certified Level 2 EV charging station.


State: Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Wisconsin will receive $78.6 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


State: RENEW Wisconsin - Non-Profits

Up to $500

RENEW Wisconsin EVs for Good Initiative offers $500 for installing Level 2 or higher EV charging station.


Utilities: Barron Electric Cooperative (BEC) - Residential

100% of the cost of Level 2 charger

BEC offers residential customers rebates for the full cost of a Level 2 EV charging station. For more information, see the BEC Residential Programs website.


Utilities: Alliant Energy - Residential

Up to $750

Alliant Energy offers residential customers a $750 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station.


Utilities: Clark Electric Cooperative (CEC) - Residential

Up to $400

CEC offers customers a $400 rebate to purchase and install a new Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates is available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Utilities: East Central Energy (ECE) - Residential

Up to $750

ECE offers residential customers a $750 rebate to install a Level 2 EV charging station on a time-of-use or off-peak storage electricity rate.


Utilities: Price Electric Cooperative (PEC) - Residential

Up to $500

Price Electric Cooperative offers residential customers a $500 rebate to customers who purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Utilities: Riverland Energy Cooperative (REC) - Residential

Up to $400

REC offers residential customers a $400 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Utilities: Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services (PPCS) - Residential

Up to $400

PPCS offers residential customers a $400 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Utilities: Wisconsin East Central Energy (ECE) - Residential

up to $750

ECE offers residential customers a $750 rebate to install a Level 2 EV charging station on a time-of-use or off-peak storage electricity rate.


Utilities: WE Energies EV Charging - Commercial

WE Energies offers a commercial pilot program that helps businesses offset the upfront costs associated with installing EV charging stations. The program offers credits to help pay for a commercial customer's costs of utility upgrades as well as provides rebates for customer facility electrical work.


Utilities: Wisconsin Xcel Energy - Commercial

Xcel Energy provides rebates to commercial customers in its Wisconsin territory toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. For more information, visit the program website.


State: Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) NEVI Plan - Commercial

Wyoming will receive $26.7 million over 5 years to deploy DC fast charging infrastructure along major highway cooridors.


Utilities: Black Hills Energy (BHE) - Residential


Black Hills Energy offers $500 rebates to residential customers in Weston County for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station.


Utilities: Black Hills Energy (BHE) - Commercial, Government and Non-profit

Up to $3,000

Black Hills Energy offers non-residential customers in Laramie County rebates for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV charging stations. Government and non-profit entities may receive rebates of up to $3,000 per port. Publicly available and workplace chargers may receive rebates of up to $2,000 per port. Applicants may receive a maximum of four rebates.

Electric vehicle charger rebate FAQs

What is EVSE? Is a rebate or tax credit for EVSE different than one for an electric car charging station tax credit or rebate?
EVSE stands for “Electric Vehicle Service Equipment,” and the term includes electric vehicle charging stations. An EVSE rebate is frequently the same as a rebate for an electric vehicle charging station, unless the rebate or tax credit program specifies rebates only for certain other items encompassed by EVSE (installation, for example).


What is the difference between a Federal tax credit and a rebate?
Often, instead of cash, utilities or municipalities will offer a tax credit for an electric vehicle charging station. Rebates in the form of tax credits are simply dollars subtracted from the amount of tax money owed when taxes are paid.


Is an EV charger tax credit or rebate available to me?
Please see our top summary of incentives and electric vehicle rebates by state above to see what we know to be available in your area. While we make every effort to keep this list updated, we cannot guarantee this list is comprehensive, so please check with your local government or utility to find out if level 2 charger rebates and other environmental safety programs for consumers are available in your area.


How long will it take to get my rebate?
Terms vary, but frequently tax credits are applied to the tax filings for the year in which the EV charger was purchased. Please check with the administrator of the rebate or credit program for details or visit their main office before purchase.


Are there rebates for EV cars and EV chargers?
In many cases, yes. There are programs providing separate electric car rebates and/or tax credits for cars (including Tesla models, Chevrolet BoltNissan LEAF or even hybrid models, such as Toyota Prius and Ford Hybrid) and EV charging stations. Note that in some events new electric vehicles must be purchased from a licensed auto dealer. Check our Clean Vehicle Credits page for details and eligibility.


Note that in some events new electric vehicles must be purchased from a licensed auto dealer. Check the drop-down menu above for details and eligibility.


How much is your typical EV charger rebate?
EVSE tax credits and rebates vary. In some cases, they can be small—50 dollars or so. In other cases, they can be quite large compared to the cost of an electric vehicle charger model like a JuiceBox, making the charging station available for just a small fraction of original price. Please consult summary list above.


What if I've already purchased an EV charger?
In some cases, you can obtain an EV charging station rebate even if you purchased the charger prior to the rebate program start date. Please check content with the program administrator to find out for efficiency.


Is there a California EVSE rebate?
California EV charger rebates are available in many places, and typically administered by the local utility. The links above to electric car rebates by state can help direct you to utilities and map put the application process for each program.


Is your list of EV rebates and incentives comprehensive?
While we make efforts to regularly update our database with available EV rebates and incentives, the database may not be comprehensive. If you are aware of aa electric vehicle rebate or incentive not showing here, or know of a recent alteration to a listed program, let us know about it!

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